


心を落ち着かせる曲 香港 病院
24時間 香港 病院 救急外来
子宮頸がん検診 香港 病院
香港 病院比較 公立 私立 クリニック















  • 英語で自分の視野と見解を広げたい
  • 身の安全を保持したい













  • 好きな映像を決めて、文字に起こす
  • ひたすら点をつけずに単語を羅列
  • 目で追う













sorry yeah 

sorry you guys okay so my next guest was a huge request from every one it's been years since we've had time to connect and that's what's been awesome it's just having time to reconnect with old friends and reflect on times that we've shared together and so I'm gonna connect a friend of mine Selena Gomez



hey girl I'm so happy to be on the show cuz you're killing it girl

thank you so much fun to talk to so many cool people and get so many like tips and just advice and I think the common thread here is that everyone's process like during pain and fear and anxiety is like really unique and really different right and so everyone's ideas and and how they kind of cope or so unique so I'm excited to hear yours

yeah I got I got a lot out of the people that you were talking to you because it's just nice to hear what other people are doing and a little bit of what you said it's It's connecting to people you know when I saw what you're doing you know I've I'm in I've always been a fan of yours I think you're one of the greatest singers ever and so I just I was so happy that I even got this opportunity to talk to you about some of the most some of the most incredible people but also just what's going on so yeah what do you wanna what do you wanna know 

oh great okay so when I kind of wanted to start was I'm just really happy that you we did thins now DM and it was sweet because you just sent a butterfly emoji and that's enough like connecting with people and letting them know that you're there a batterfly emoji is totally enough so you know what advice would you give for someone that wants to reconnect with the person they haven't you know been connected with in awhile and they feel like it's just a really good time to let people know that you care and people know that there are trees and so would you go for the little things you thing writing down what you want to say in case they call you so you're ready like what's your

well I've been writing a lot I thing that that's been  helped helping me process what's been going on and you know I I had I had gone to treatment a few times for anxiety and for depression and for other stuff that I'd been struggling with and you know when I do meetings and stuff a lot of it is connecting with people that maybe you haven't been the greatest or that you may not have thought about so I feel like there's been a lot of people I've gotten to do that with not necessarily saying it was bad but just you know saying hey I just I hope you're safe like I hope you're doing okay and that you know that on my side I'm only sending you love that and I just won't want them to know that I see them and so I think that that's that's kind of something I've been doing but I've missed my family you know it's still really hard I I definitely just tried to use the tools I've used  when I've been in therapy which is amazing and I literally dialectical behavior therapy I'm not sure if you're heard of that but that's one thing that helps big times or big time and it's basically a book on how you process your emotions and why the actions go into you know twhat your thoughts turn into action it's kind of like what you were talking about with andts and they completely just and I visualize things so much so it freaks me out so I feel like there are moments where I just have to Center myself let the thoughts come in sometimes I'll write them down and then completely just like sit with what is it what is the root of this why can I get to the bottom of this and it really helps me

and I was talking to Carrie about this and I think probably you know whether it's us on a set or whether it's people watching that run school or workplaces we're so used to being connected in some way and with that is like just kind of it was just so abrupt to just all of a sudden we were in lockdown and pretty much time usually there is a process and 

